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Health and Safety

Health and Safety


We have gathered information and tips to keep you safe and healthy during your visit to Rwanda and the Kivu Belt. Rwanda is known as one of the safest countries in Africa but information is always good in case of an accident or when planning your trip.


In the case of emergency in Rwanda dial 112 to get help

Every important emergency number in Rwanda can be found here

Theft and robberies

Rwanda is known as one of the safest countries in the world and is probably safer than the country you came from. It is totally safe to walk around at any time in any place in Rwanda.


Rwanda has a relatively low level of corruption. You will not have to pay extra for public services at any time. Police will follow the rules and stop anyone who is breaking the law. Police will never ask for anything extra, especially traffic police. Never try to get out of a messy situation or bypass rules in Rwanda by offering any incitement to a public officer. This is a serious offence in Rwanda. If you fell that you are the subject of corruption call anti-corruption line 997


Rwanda has a good and reliable network of healthcare throughout the larger towns in the country. Make sure that you are covered by health insurance to get full access during your visit.

There is a general air evacuation insurance available for purchase through any Rwandan tour operator. Any official tour operator can offer insurance at a good price which includes emergency evacuation with helicopter. Contact any official tour operator in Rwanda to purchase.

Kigali: King Faisal Hospital, 3939 (24 Hour Hotline), +250788384877(Ambulance)

Rubuvu: Gisenyi District Hospital, +250789117532, info@gisenyihospital.gov.rw

Karongi:  Kibuye Hospital, hopitalkibuye@yahoo.fr

Karongi: Mugonero Hospital

Nyamasheke: Bushenge Hospital, +250782670746, bushenge.hospital@moh.gov.rw

Rusizi: Gihundwe District Hospital, +250788307332, Gihundwe.hospital@moh.gov.rw

Air Evacuation

There is a general air evacuation insurance available for purchase through any Rwandan tour operator. This is a great option if you know that you will be travelling far away from healthcare, hiking or biking the Congo Nile Trail or doing any other extreme sport.

Any officially licenced tour operator in Rwanda can offer this insurance at a good price which includes emergency evacuation with helicopter. Contact any official tour operator in Rwanda to purchase.


Snakes will never attack you unless provoked or directly stepped on. The best action when encountering a snake is to back away and give it space to escape as it is sure to be more scared than you. There are a number of poisonous snakes in Rwanda some of which are lethal. The puff adder is responsible for most dangerous snake bites as they don’t move and are therefore often stepped on while walking on rural trails or in high grass. If bitten by a snake, do not try home remedies but instead stay calm and call emergency number 112.


Whether Rwanda’s lakes contain Bilharzia, the parasite responsible for Schistosomiasis, is debated and there is not enough research done to confirm or discard this. Schistosomiasis is spread by a parasite living in stagnant water. Symptoms include fever and stomach ache a few weeks after contamination, but sometimes there are no symptoms. The disease can cause mayor internal problems but is easily treated if detected.


Malaria is responsible for hundreds of deaths every year in Rwanda mostly among children. Most of the Malaria cases in Rwanda happen in the warmer southern and eastern parts of the country. The Kivu Belt has a low level of malaria. Sleeping under a mosquito net, wearing long sleeves at night and taking malaria medicine are easy measures to avoid malaria. Contact a doctor if you hav symptoms including and flu-like illness, shaking chills, headaches, muscle aches, and tiredness a few weeks after suspected infection. Read more at Rwanda Biomedical Center.

Travellers’ diarrhea

Travellers diarrhea is most often caused by eating contaminated foods. Rwanda is unfortunately not free from this. If you are unsure remember to only eat foods that you peel, from a newly opened package or bottle or has been freshly cooked.


Despite sharing a border with DRC, Rwanda is totally free of Ebola


Rwanda has a strict set of rules and control of vehicles in traffic including buses. Buses are generally in good condition compared to other African countries and are never overcrowded. For long distance travelling, there are many decent companies with Ritco operating a fleet of safer and modern buses.


Motos or motorbikes are the most common form of transport for shorter distances in Rwanda. A helmet is mandatory and will be supplied by the driver. Don’t burn yourself on the exhaust.


For short distance transport, bikes are cheaper option than motos. Helmets are not mandatory on bikes and other traffic do not always respect bikes which make them a bit more risky.