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Rwanda is located almost directly on the equator and has a tropical climate. The Kivu Belt located in the west of the country receives more rainfall than the central and the eastern parts of the country and is lush and green throughout the year. This is also why the country’s rainforests can be found here. Even though The Kivu Belt is in the tropics the elevation keeps the temperature at a constant pleasant with temperatures around 25°C during the day and 15-20°C during the night. When to visit Rwanda is not entirely determined by whether it is raining or not as there are benefits of having both rains and dry weather.

For current weather in Rwanda, visit the Rwanda Metereology Forecast 

Raining seasons

There are two distinct raining seasons in the Kivu Belt, one longer and one shorter, though rain falls throughout the year. The long raining season occurs between March and May. Expect daily heavy showers and thunderstorms during this time of year and some full days of rain, but also some sunshine during the day is not uncommon. The shorter raining season from October to December has less rainfall, but heavy thunderstorms are common almost every day. It is common for days to start of sunny in the morning, even during the raining season and then get progressively more cloudy until rain falls in the afternoon and night.

Short Dry Season

The period between the raining seasons in January and February has some rainfall, often quick thunderstorms in the afternoon which pass quickly but several days without rain is also common. This is a good time to visit as there is less rain and less visitors during this season meaning lower prices at hotels and lodges.

Long Dry Season

June, July, August and September are the driest months in the Kivu Belt. Some rainfall still fall during this time of year and a few afternoon thunderstorms are to be expected.  This is the best time to visit, but also when most visitors come. Rwanda’s mayor holiday season is during this time of year meaning many locals come to the Kivu Belt. Hotels and parks are generally more booked during this time of the year.

What is the Best Time to Visit Rwanda for Safari?

Planning the perfect safari in Rwanda involves not only choosing the right destinations but also timing your visit to coincide with the best weather and wildlife viewing opportunities. Rwanda, with its temperate climate and diverse landscapes, offers year-round safari possibilities, but certain times of the year stand out as particularly ideal for experiencing its renowned national parks. The best time to visit Rwanda for a safari is during the dry seasons, when the weather is most favourable, wildlife is more easily spotted, and outdoor activities can be enjoyed to their fullest. Understanding the seasonal variations and their impact on your safari experience will help you make the most of your adventure in this captivating East African country.

January: January is part of Rwanda’s short dry season. Temperatures are moderate, and rainfall is minimal, making it a pleasant time to visit.

Wildlife Viewing: The dry conditions make it an excellent time for gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park. The trails are less muddy, and the chances of encountering the gorillas are high. In Nyungwe National Park, chimpanzee tracking is also favourable, and the canopy walk offers clear views. Akagera National Park offers great game viewing as animals gather around the remaining water sources.

February: February continues the short dry season with similar weather to January – dry, warm, and pleasant.

Wildlife Viewing: This month remains ideal for gorilla trekking and chimpanzee tracking due to dry trail conditions. Akagera National Park continues to offer good game viewing opportunities, as wildlife remains concentrated around water sources.

March: March marks the beginning of the long rainy season. Rainfall increases, and humidity levels rise.

Wildlife Viewing: The wet conditions make gorilla trekking more challenging, as trails become muddy and slippery. However, the lush vegetation can provide a beautiful backdrop for photography. In Nyungwe National Park, the dense forest may make chimpanzee tracking harder. Game drives in Akagera may be less comfortable due to the wet conditions. 

April: April is one of the wettest months in Rwanda, with heavy rains and high humidity.

Wildlife Viewing: April is not ideal for gorilla trekking or game viewing due to the heavy rains. However, the landscape is incredibly lush and green. This month is considered low season, so there are fewer tourists, which might appeal to those looking for a quieter experience. 

May: May continues to experience heavy rainfall, similar to April.

Wildlife Viewing: Conditions remain challenging for trekking and game drives. However, the lush scenery offers a different perspective of Rwanda’s natural beauty. Fewer tourists make it a more intimate experience for those who do visit. 

June: June marks the start of the long dry season. Rainfall decreases, and temperatures are cooler.

Wildlife Viewing: June is one of the best months for gorilla trekking, with drier trails and excellent viewing conditions. Chimpanzee tracking in Nyungwe is also favourable, and game viewing in Akagera improves as wildlife becomes more visible around water sources. 

July: July is part of the long dry season, characterized by minimal rainfall and cool temperatures.

Wildlife Viewing: This is peak season for gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park. The dry conditions make trekking easier, and the chances of seeing gorillas are very high. Nyungwe and Akagera also offer excellent wildlife viewing, with clear skies and comfortable temperatures making for enjoyable safaris.

August: August continues the long dry season with pleasant, dry weather.

Wildlife Viewing: Similar to July, August is ideal for all safari activities. Gorilla trekking, chimpanzee tracking, and game drives are all highly rewarding this month. Due to the favourable conditions, visitor numbers are high, so booking permits and accommodations in advance is essential. 

September: September remains part of the long dry season, though there may be occasional rain towards the end of the month.

Wildlife Viewing: The dry conditions persist, making it an excellent time for all wildlife activities. Gorilla trekking remains popular, and the trails are still in good condition. Game viewing in Akagera and chimpanzee tracking in Nyungwe continue to be rewarding. 

October: October marks the beginning of the short rainy season, with increasing rainfall and humidity.

Wildlife Viewing: Early October can still offer good trekking and game viewing opportunities, but conditions become more challenging as the month progresses. The rains bring lush, green landscapes, providing a beautiful setting for photography, though it might be harder to spot wildlife. 

November: November is characterized by frequent showers and high humidity, part of the short rainy season.

Wildlife Viewing: Trekking and game drives can be difficult due to the wet conditions. However, the vibrant landscapes and fewer tourists can make for a unique experience. It’s a good time for bird watchers as migratory species arrive.